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	- perl		as much unicode as possible (5.6)
	- apache	the free webserver (1.3.19 (without expat) or 2.x)
	- mod_perl      persistent perl interpreter for apache (1.25)
	- DBI/DBD	perl interface to your favorite
                        database (1.14 / MySQL 1.2217)
	- ApacheDBI	basic http authentication thru DBI (0.87)
	- database	with DBI/DBD interface support (MySQL 3.23.25)
	- libexpat	for event driven XML parsing
	- XML::Parser	perl interface for expat
	- MIME::Base64	encoding for distribution

	You will install your OMA system below /opt/oma on
	one single server machine. All the files behind the
	oma directory has to belong to the uid of the httpd.

Prediction and initializing:

	You will have four media types with OMA and OMA itself.
	This leads to the need of five individual domainnames.
	In our documentation we will have the domain
	and 5 aliases to the IP address in the
        namesever. Or just use one name for all servers.

	In our example:  this site is for managing the tree structure
				and generating web pages   this is the picture (photo) archive   this is the audio (radio) archive   this is the text archive   and this is the video archive

	It is not recomended to change the hostnames. To change the
	domain, requiers to edit some files:

		$ vi oma-bin/ o?a/perl/O?

	The variables to change are $OMADOMAIN in and $HOST and $OMAHOST
	in the other four files. While you change the domain for your needs
	and you like to have another base path than /opt/oma for your OMA system,
	you have to change the variable $BASE in the files o?a/perl/O? to
	where your OMA system resides. You also can change the name of the
	used database by changing the variable $DATABASE. Username and password
	for the database connect is given with $DBUSER and $DBPASS. Have a
	look at the sub opendb, perhaps you need to change the port or whatever
	for use with other databases.

	It is not recomended to change directory names beyond the base path.

	Remember to SIGHUP the httpd server after changing one of the .pm
	perl module files.

	The OMA system also use the database named "oma". With mysql you can
	create the database by enter the following command:

		$ mysqladmin create oma

	With the OMA system comes the INIT.DB (DB layout can be found in, this includes all the required database tables and
	the minimum table entries you need for start a OMA system. With
	mysql your just create all required tables and rows by the

		$ mysql oma < INIT.DB

	There is a file named apache.conf. This file gives you an impression
	of how to configure the apache server (you may simply add this file
	(after you have made your individual changes) to the httpd.conf).

	If all this things are done and this documentation covers all steps,
	you should get a positive response by requesting the URL

	This will ask you for a username and a password. The default username
	is "admin", the default password is "active". A frameset should appear.
	You can change your password with the "[user handling]" link in the
	upper left frame. With this link you are able to establish new accounts
	as well. This link will just appear for "admin" user.

	The directory transact contains the transaction syndicator. Most of
	the write- and update sequences use this module for this process.
	The SQL statements get translated into XML statements and retranslated.
	This XML statements get transported to peers by email. Two alias
	entries are requierd:


		oma-dist-rec:	"|/opt/oma/transact/xsqlex"

	For messageboard/usenet news you will need to install innd and mhonarc
	on your system. Furthermore you like to adjust template and finetune
	in the news-bin directory.

	For details in managing and working with a OMA system, have a closer
	look at the OMA documentation.

. o O ( Stay tuned.. )

Presentation slides

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